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With a population of 79,000, this town of SW France, capital of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques département is a year-round tourist center noted for its scenery and winter sports. Metallurgical and wool industries, and aeronautical equipment, shoes, and clothing are manufactured here.  Founded in the 11th century, Pau became the capital of Béarn in the 15th century and the residence of the kings of Navarre in 1512. The synagogue was built on 715 m². In former days, "Passage of Alsace" was acquired by virtue of a decree on November 15th, 1876. Building ended in 1880. The community was attached to Bayonne in 1905 (because the bishopric was in Bayonne). The Jewish community declined after WWII, at the same time as those of Peyrehorade and Bidache. The town had the presence of English Jews until 1940. The population swelled in 1939/40 with Eastern refugees from North and Central Europe. The synagogue functioned throughout the war under the supervision of RABBI BAUER. Independence of the community in relation to Bayonne was acquired on April 24th, 1959 by President G. THEODORE, founder of actual structures of A.C.I.P. The community reawakened with the influx of Sephardic Jewry: Moroccans, Algerians and Tunisian. The synagogue built in 1850 is at 8, rue des Trois-Frères-Bernadac, tel. Thirty km west of Pau, in Gurs, is the site of one of France's largest concentration camps, which is one of three Mémoriaux Nationaux of the Collaboration.. Some 800 Jews died here during the winter of 1940. In July 1942, following an inspection by one of Adolph Eichmann's deputies, the Gurs inmates were moved to Drancy outside Paris and then sent to death camps. The camp cemetery contains the graves of 1,200 Jews. In this camp were 61,000 persons with 1072 tombs marked. A.C.I. et Synagogue Centre Communautaire at 8, rue des Trois Frères Bernadac - 64000 PAU. Tél 05-59-62-37-85. Responsables: Mme BENAÏM Martine and M. ALZERAH Edmond [January 2008]


Cimetière Municipal: Jewish Section, Avenue du 18e R.I. Cours Camon [January 2008]

old cemetery: (1820-1940) Av. de Buros [January 2008]