International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Beth Abraham Synagogue - 1740 Blue Ave, Zanesville, OH 43701 US Website (740) 453-5391

(Zanesville is east of Columbus. 39º56 08º20) 1919 Jewish population was 250. Source: "Directory of Jewish Local Organizations in the United States", pp. 330-583. American Jewish Year Book 5680 September 25,1919 to Sept. 12, 1920; Volume 21, edited by Harry Schneiderman for the American Jewish Comm. and submitted by Alan Hirschfeld.

The all-Jewish cemetery had 350 graves dating from 1870-1992. Source: Dr. Leonard Spialter, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Beth Abraham Cemetery: in located on the north side of Rehl Road in  Falls Township, the burials are listed in a recent issue of the Cleveland "Kol". Contact JGS of Cincinnati .

website. "Beth Abraham Cemetery, also known as the United Jewish Cemetery, is still active. There are many old gravestones, and most are in great condition. The oldest gravestones are located on the southwest side. The cemetery is very well maintained." Burial list. [February 2010]

United Jewish Cemetery: see Beth Abraham Cemetery.