International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


general Wayne County information.

Goldsboro information. [June 2014]

Jewish history [June 2014]

History of Jews. Congregation Oheb Sholom: "In February 1883, 33 Jewish men ... "united for the purpose of building a synagogue" in Goldsboro. The Jewish community already owned a Torah and was home to a Cemetery Association and a Ladies' Hebrew Assistance Society, indicating that Jewish life existed in Goldsboro prior to the formal creation of a congregation." Also see Moses Rountree, Strangers in the Land: The Story of Jacob Weil's Tribe (Philadelphia: Dorrance & Company, 1969), 55-63.

Willow Dale Cemetery: Jewish section. The Jewish section is in extreme northeastern part. Names can be found in Gravestone Inscriptions, An Inventory of Cemeteries in Wayne County, North Carolina, published by Wayne County Historical Assoc. Inc., Goldsboro, NC has data on p. 404 and 405. Source: Al Lipsey, 520-299-4486.

UPDATE: Goldsboro Jewish Synagogue SERIES P1 documents in university library. has historical reference and photo.

obituary database. Reference: Weissbach, Lee Shai 1947- "East European Immigrants and the Image of Jews in the Small-Town South". Congregation: PO Box 2063, Goldsboro, NC 27533-2063  (919) 734-1111, Fax: (919) 734-0877. 21 members [September 2005]