International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies

Print has Jewish Community history and photos. [January 2009]

[UPDATE] Our Small-Town Southern Past [January 2017]

[UPDATE] Celebrating Jewish History in One of the Deepest “Deep South” Towns [January 2017]


At one time, 50% of all millionaires in the US lived in Natchez. Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Temple B'nai Israel: Reform. By 1866, the congregation had purchased land for ta synagogue completed by 1872 at the corner streets of Washington and South Commerce streets. Temple history and photos. In 1840, a group of merchants bought land for a Jewish cemetery and formed a Chevra Kaddisha in 1843. "In 1991, Temple B’nai Israel went into partnership with the Museum of Southern Jewish Experience as a way of preserving the temple into the future. Once the temple closes its doors for a final time, the temple will turn into a museum telling the story of Natchez’s once prominent Jewish community." Jews from Fayette, Bude, and Lorman as well as the Louisiana towns of Ferriday, Waterproof, and Winnsboro also used this temple. Source: [January 2009]


1 active; 1 inactive cemetery  [?] as of November 1940 and visited by Turitz.  Research concerning the first Jewish cemetery in Natchez, MS, including names of persons occupying specific lots, diagram of cemetery, and unknown and unoccupied lots. Documents exist in (AJA) American Jewish Archives, 3101 Clifton Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45220-2488; phone (513) 221-1875: July 1, 1909. Natchez, MS Manuscript and typescript. 9 pages. Received from the Department of Archives and History, Jackson, MS Photostat. Vital Statistics file.


Old City Cemetery:

Jewish sections are listed in National Register of Historic Places: lst, l828; According to Postal & Koppman "Jewish Tourist's Guide to U.S.", p.267 (Jewish Publ. Soc., Phila., PA 1954) this is a walled-in strip of the city cemetery, dating from the 1840's and either called or belonging to B'nai Israel, Source: Eric J. Brock, Historic Preservation & Planning Consulting, P.O. Box 5877 Shreveport, LA 71135-5877. has burial list. [January 2009]

[UPDATE] Jewish Hill, Old City Cemetery Jewish section located near the center of the cemetery, includes the grave of Rosalie Beekman, the only Natchez casualty of the Civil War. The 7-year-old girl was hit during shelling by the U.S.S. Essex. Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [May 2005]

[UPDATE] 7-year-old Rosalie Beekman was the only Natchez casualty of the Civil War.  Source. [May 2015]]

[UPDATE] Photos of historic marker, cemetery, and gravestones in "Jewish Cemetery" portion from 1822-1899.  Tombstone transcriptions and Burial Record Books/Index have burial information. Source [August 2005]

[UPDATE] The Last Jews of Natchez [May 2015]