Print has Jewish Community history and photos. [January 2009] has general Claiborne County information.  [August 2005]


Jewish Cemetery:

Around 1850, early Jewish settlers bought land for a cemetery here. It was abandoned when the Mississippi River changed course, overrunning the town. Source: Larry Brook, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [May 2005]

"While no present Jewish community exists there today, an interesting discovery was made in the late 1980s. In 1988, scholars found nine gravestones inscribed in Hebrew, which date back as early as 1853. These nine Jews were most likely French and German immigrants coming to settle in Woodville, but who ended up dying in Grand Gulf, most likely from the yellow fever epidemic. Without a doubt, the gravestones exemplify the often hidden history of Jewish life in Mississippi." Source: Institute of Southern Jewish Life. [January 2009]

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