International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies



1919 Jewish population was 110. Hebrew Cemetery Association: See "Directory of Jewish Local Organizations in the United States" pp. 330-583 in American Jewish Year Book 5680 September 25, 1919 to Sept. 12, 1920; volume 21, edited by Harry Schneiderman for the American Jewish Committeee from Alan Hirschfeld.


Jewish Cemetery: Abandoned. Many of the markers have been removed with about a dozen remaining. Apparently, a shipwreck in Lake Superior in the mid-19th century had many Jewish victims. The cemetery, overgrown with trees, is very difficult to locate. A local guide would be needed to visit the site. Source: Rick and Roberta London; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.