/ has general Jefferson County information. [September 2005]
Temple Israel Congregation:
1919 Jewish population was 70. Source from Alan Hirschfeld: "Directory of Jewish Local Organizations in the United States," pp. 330-583. American Jewish Year Book 5680 September 25,1919 to Sept. 12, 1920; Volume 21. Edited by Harry Schneiderman for the American Jewish Committee.
"In Madison, Indiana, the Jews organized Adas Israel in 1853 and in 1855 they dedicated a synagogue on the second floor of a commercial building owned by the community's purveyor of kosher meat. Shortly thereafter, the congregation purchased land for a cemetery and employed as the community's first teacher Bernard Felsenthal, later to be a leading Reform rabbi in Chicago and an important figure in national Jewish life." [Source:]
Possibly at AJA. American Jewish Archives, 3101 Clifton Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45220-2488. 513-221-1875 (tel); 513-221-7812 (fax). E-mail: AJA contact form
Cemetery deed. Aug. 9, 1855 Rare Documents file and Documents file
List of burials in Jewish cemeteries. 1855-1975. Vital Statistics file
"Decline in an Age of Expansion: Disappearing Jewish Communities in the Era of Mass Migration" by Lee Shai Weissbach that mentions Madison
Adath Israel Cemetery: Jefferson County Jewish. From "Cemetery Records of Jefferson County, Indiana", compiled by John Paul Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution which was typed by Mary Hill - 1941. Names shown are burial listings from "Cemetery Records of Jefferson County, Indiana", compiled by John Paul Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution which was typed by Mary Hill - 1941. [January 2001] "Decline in an Age of Expansion: Disappearing Jewish Communities in the Era of Mass Migration" by Lee Shai Weissbach mentions Madison. [January 2001]
Springdale Cemetery: 600 West 5th St., Madison, 47250 (812) 265-3915. See] Possibly at AJA. American Jewish Archives, 3101 Clifton Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45220-2488. 513-221-1875 (tel); 513-221-7812 (fax). E-mail: AJA contact form for List of Jews buried in Springdale Cemetery. 1863-1976. Vital Statistics file.
UPDATE: has photo. [September 2005]