International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies



Alan Lipsey, 400 Northridge Road, Suite 620, Atlanta, GA 30350; phone: (work) 770-552-1640 and (home) 770-971-2696 collected data from Hebrew Cemetery and Laurel Hill. Submitted by J. Kenneth Ginburg to JOWBR


Municipal Cemetery: Jewish section dates from the 1800s and includes the Steyerman and Seixas families.

B'nai Israel Synagogue Cemetery: Dating from the early 1900s, Joe Rosolio, P.O.Box 48, Thomasville, GA 31792-0048 (912-226-2760) has information. Source: Rabbi Stanley J. Garfein, 1110 Lasswade Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32312 office (904)-877-3517 home (904) 385-1538.

Hebrew Cemetery:

Laurel Hill Cemetery: