International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


ISJL - Georgia Columbus Encyclopedia - Institute. [July 2015]

Jewish Federation of Columbus, GA | Facebook

History of the Jewish Community in Columbus

The Columbus Jewish Historical Society


  • Shearith Israel
  • Temple Israel, PO Box 5086, Columbus, GA 31906. Contact: Ted Arno (7-6-576-3804) used Riverdale Cemetery, Lindwood Cemetery, and Levy-Moses Cemetery. 1919 Jewish population was 300 according to submission by Alan Hirschfeld from "Directory of Jewish Local Organizations in the United States", pp. 330-583. American Jewish Year Book 5680 September 25,1919 to Sept. 12, 1920; vol. 21 , edited by Harry Schneiderman for the American Jewish Committee.


Levy-Moses Cemetery: (Esqualine Heights)

Private cemetery of the Levy-Moses family on their estate called Esqualine Heights at the dead end of Kent Court. Drive south on Lindsay Creek Bypass, take Victory Drive to Benning Road, turn right and go to Esquiline Road (on right). Turn right, continue as Esquiline becomes Lowe Drive and dead ends. Turn right onto Commander Drive Esquiline house is on the left (3838 Commander Drive). Walk on path to right of house into the woods, about 150 feet, turn left for about 30 feet; cemetery is within chain-link fence. Per POOLE (NOV 2010): Listed as 0 Kent Court Plat #063-050-026. Just beyond dead end of Kent Court. No owner information.

Wrestlng with History. 'July 2015]

Find A Grave: Moses on Esqiline Hill [July 2015]

Find A Grave: Moses on Esqiline Hill [July 2015]

Linwood Cemetery: {10153} 17th St & 6th Avenue. Records and map of burial plots of the Linwood Cemetery, Columbus, GA. Vital Statistics File at (AJA) American Jewish Archives, 3101 Clifton Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45220-2488; phone (513) 221-1875. (tel) 513-221-7812 (fax). This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Muscogee Cemetery: Active 1848-1990. Esquiline (Moses-Levy), Kent Court. (at end) The cemetery has forty graves in a well-maintained area of 100 ft. x 50 ft. Rehabilitation took place after 1960 vandalism. Source: Dr. Leonard Spialter

Marker Text: Since Biblical times when Abraham purchased land to bury his wife Sarah, it has been considered a religious obligation for Jews to set aside land for interring their dead. Often before congregations were established burial societies were formed to perform this sacred act. This site, established by Reform congregation Temple B'nai Israel, is the first burial ground in Columbus for members of the Jewish Faith. The first burial was in 1852. Louis Haiman, famous Civil War arms maker for the Confederacy, is interred here as are ancestors of many prominent Columbus families. Jewish burial traditions continue today in the city's Riverdale Cemetery. photo and map

Parkhill Cemetery: H

Parkhill Cemetery - Dignity Memorial

Riverdale Cemetery: 10th Avenue and Victory Drive.

Find A Grave: Riverdale Cemetery
