International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


TIN CUP: Gunnison County
general Gunnison County information. [August 2005]

  • Tin Cup Cemetery: half mile south of Tin Cup. The two graves in evidence on the Jewish knoll are unmarked by names or other identifying information. This knoll is west of the Catholic knoll. The Jewish Knoll is now marked by a (new) sign (as are the other knolls). Forks of a mountain stream separate the knolls. Wooden footbridges cross from one to the other. The high ranges of the Rocky Mountains make a dramatic background. The cemetery is perhaps a half-mile up hill from the town. Further, a mile or two over 4WD path, is one of the now-defunct major mines of the last century. In I Remember Tin Cup, a 1986 local history by Eleanor Perry, the author writes: "...When I first visited the cemetery in 1952, three wooden headboards on the Jewish Knoll had rotted at their bases but were still at the grave sites with no sign of other burials. The names and dates were legible and indicated that three infants of one family were buried there. The three headboards have since disappeared." Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    UPDATE: has burial list of three Harris children and two Klauber children. [October 2019]