
Jewish history and photographs [January 2009]

1919 Jewish population was 340 according to "Directory of Jewish Local Organizations in the United States", pp. 330-583, American Jewish Year Book 5680 September 25,1919 to Sept. 12, 1920; vol. 21, edited by Harry Schneiderman for the American Jewish Committee and submitted by Alan Hirschfeld

Mishkan Israel Congregation, 503 Broad Street. Reform congregation established in 1867. 1899 Romanesque Revival building photographs.
photos. "Selma's one and only synagogue, Temple Mishkan Israel, is a Reform temple that was built in 1899. Until it was built, the Mishkan Israel Congregation met in private homes as far back as 1867. The earliest Jewish settlers date back to the 1830s. Jews were the most prominent leaders of Selma's business and government during the late 19th century and early 20th century. They owned and operated most of the big businesses in Selma during this period, were often mayors of Selma, and just as often members of Alabama's legislature and judiciary.." [April 2010]

Two Jewish cemeteries, an old one and a new one in Live Oak (absolutely gorgeous!). Community in decline, maybe 20 Jews remain, all older. back issues story from October 1997 (appx.) about the Selma Jewish Homecoming, which included cemetery visits.Source: Larry Brook, Deep South Jewish Voice, Birmingham, AL. [June 2001]

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