International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Alternate names: Koprivnica [Croa], Kopreinitz [Ger], Kaproncza [Hun]. 46°10' N, 16°50' E in N central Croatia, 50 miles ENE of Zagreb. 1900 Jewish population: 398. Pinkas HaKehilot, Yugoslavia (1988), p. 294: "Koprivnica"[February 2009]

City of Koprivnica
48000 Koprivnica
Zrinski trg 1
Croatia (+385 48) 622-139
Koprivnica-Križevci, County (06)

town image {February 2009]

Jewish Communtiy Koprivnica [February 2009]
Trg kralja Kresimira 5
48000 Koprivnica
tel : 048/624-515

Jewish Guide to Croatia [July 2014]

President : dr. Kresimir Svarc "Synagogue at Svilarska St. was built in 1875 by Julius Deutsch, renovated in 1937 by Slavko Loewy, abandoned in 1941, and sold in 1948. The building still exists in 2000. The Jewish Community, established in 19th century, closed in 1952. Source: Srdjan Matic, MD, 40 West 95th Street, Apt. 1-B, New York, NY 10025. (212) 222-7783. Jewish Population: 1810-23; 1847-40; 1869-119; 1921-359; 1925/26- 360; 1930- 410; 1931- 474; 1937/38- 389; 1941-180; 1947- ?; 1994-28." See: Jewish Heritage Travel: A Guide to East-Central Europe by Ruth Ellen Gruber. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1992. (Page 244) [1995]

The Jewish Community founded about 1850 built a synagogue in 1875-76 with a tripartite facade with a taller middle section, clearly influenced by Ludwig von Forster's synagogue in Vienna or that in Zagreb, Located on Austrion Svilarska Street outside the city center, during WWII used as a prison and afterward used as a warehouse and industrial site. In 1999, the site was converted into a concert hall for a nearby music school. A Holocaust memorial plaque was affixed in 1996. [February 2009]

  • The Jewish cemetery with a ceremonial hall dates from 1842 and has about 250 tombs including five family mausoleums. The inscriptions on the oldest tombstones are in Hebrew, but the later ones in German and Croatian with a few in Hungarian. The majority of tombstones bear bullet-scars from the battles fought in this region during the 1990s. The cemetery has a monument to Jewish soldiers who died in World War I and a 1975 Holocaust memorial. The long disused ceremonial hall was recently reconstructed with its entrance wall and main façade made as a Holocaust memorial. Surrounded by a wall, the site is fairly well maintained by the tiny Jewish community reestablished at the end of the 1990s by a few dozen members. [February 2009]