International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


International Jewish Cemetery Project - Argentina also see Entre Rios and Villa Dommnquez
Former name: Colonia Sonnenfeld. Located in the center of Entre Rios province, the town is 355 km from Buenos Aires, 50 km from Basavilvaso, 35 km from Villa Clara, 22 km from Villaguay and Ingeniero Sajaroff, and 17 km from Carmel. Sonnenfeld Colony was a bit outside Villa Dominguez (about 7 km) and was laid out like a Russian shtetl. Named for Sigismond Sonnenfeld, director-general of the JCA from 1891-1911 [Source:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - May 2016], the name San Gregorio refers to the nearby woods. [December 2003]


  • El Cementerio Israelita de San Gregorio or La Recoleta de la Colonia Clara: Located on Provincial Route 20 from Villa Dominguez to Basavilbase. At the sign "El Aljibe" [The Well] turn right. A few meters further, a gravel road to the right leads to the cemetery open Friday and Sunday from sunup to 6 p.m. Key holder is Leon Salzman in Villa Dominguez (03455) 492043. Buried there are the following: Noe YARCHO, first physician to arrive in Argentina via JCA; Miguel SAJAROFF, Leon GURCHUNOFF, Gregorio SEGAL, BLACKIE family. A common grave from 1894 holds fifty people, who died from typhus from immigrants on the "Orione." Keeper of the cemetery for twenty years is Jose Feliciano Espinoza, who washes gravestones, plants flowers and prunes trees. He knows the location of every grave. The synagogue, 1 km away, is visible from the cemetery. The town functioned as a Chevra Kadisha for the area. The community of 52 Jewish families founded the first Jewish cemetery in Entre Rios province (1892) from land belonging to Aaron Yankelevich. The cemetery preceded the synagogue by one year. In the cemetery, parakeets fly among the eucalyptus and azerderach trees planted by the founders of the cemetery. [December 2003]