International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


International Jewish Cemetery Project - Argentina
Founded in 1900, the 2000 population was 250. In the 1920s, 200 Jewish families lived in Pueblo Cazis, the business center of San Antonio colony in central-eastern Entre Rios province, 385 km from Buenos Aires, 221 km from Concordia, 69 km from Pedernal, 45 km from San Salvador, and 5 km from Hambis. The Jewish residents left in the 1960s. [December 2003]

  • El Cementerio Israelita de Pueblo Cazis: 4.5 km past "Cuartro Bocas" Road across the Main Road to Hambis. Key holder: "Casa Combet", 1 km on the right side of the cemetery entrance. Call ahead to Centro Social Israelita Argentino, Concepcion del Urugay, (03442) 422-959. Entrance is a white cement arch with a Mogen David on either side with a double iron door. 150 graves (men right, women left) are amid a flower-lined path. Monument to pioneers: Kolker, Menqui, Braun. Inscriptions are in Hebrew and Spanish and mostly legible. [December 2003]