International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


International Jewish Cemetery Project - Argentina
Formerly Colonia Santa Isabel, Pedernal in east central Entre Rios province is 32 km SE of Concordia and 19 km NE of Ubajay, 438 from Buenos Aires, 75 km from Harris, 69 km from Pueblo Cazes, 47 km from San Salvador, 27 km from General Campos. In 1904, JCA bought the 12,970 hectares Santa Isabel ranch in Concordia district between two streams, Grande and Rabon. Fifty-one families started the colony that became a large milk-producing area, although today it produces poultry. None of their four synagogues exists today. The railroad arrived in 1915. The 1939 census lists 99 Jewish families in the rural area and 62 in the town. By 2000, the very few of the 623 inhabitants are Jewish. In 2001, telephone line installation was announced although a telephone booth inside the general store existed since 1928. [December 2003]


  • El Cementerio Israelita de Pedernal: Located 2 km from Pedernal on the way to Concordia on National Route 14. To visit the one-hectare cemetery, contact Adolfo Gorskin, (0345) 421-457. The property originally belonged to Isaac Blinder and can be seen from the road. A sign reads: "Prohibita la entrada sin permiso. Pedir las llaves al senor Posternak, en Pederal. La Comision." A marble Holocaust memorial exists. A commission to maintain the cemetery was organized in 2000. Three suicides are buried separately in an area of high grasses. Burial records that survived floods and loss (1942-1962) are kept at the Montefiore City Hall [December 2003]