International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


International Jewish Cemetery Project - Argentina
Located in west central Santa Fe, the town is 18 km from Moises Ville, 8 km from Las Palmeras, 24 km from Monigotes, 650 miles from Buenos Aires. The first Jewish settlers lived in a shed of the Argentine Central Railroad. Children died from illness and malnutrition in the earliest settlement and were buried in fuel can coffins. The train arrived in 1890. Located in Route 34, only the main street is paved. 350 people live in the town. About six Jews remain.

  • El Cementerio de Palacios: At the railroad track, turn left for 300 meters. Cross the tracks and continue parallel to the tracks for another 600 meters. Closed Saturdays and Jewish holidays. Abraham "Bucho" Bernstein (03409) 492-030 or City Hall can assist with visiting. A small white Mogen David on an iron rail leads to the one-hectare cemetery. About 300 graves are found in the one or three hectares of tall grass, of which only about 10%-25% are used. Almost all inscriptions are in Yiddish. Kids with air rifles damaged some headstones in the 1990s. Suicides are buried separately. A separate section marks Yellow Fever victims of 1918 and 1920. Another section holds the graves of children. Jews of Zadoc Kahn also used this cemetery, 10 km away. The oldest graves date from 1913 (Rose K. de Hilbert) and 1919 (Moisis Winocur) [December 2003]