International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


International Jewish Cemetery Project - Argentina
The port located on both the ocean and Pampean flatland has a current population of 330,000+. Jewish inhabitants probably date from Sephardim from Tetuan and Marakech in Morocco, arriving around 1900. Ashkenazi Jews arrived around the 1920s from Midanos (48 km away) and from Villa Alba, Bernasconi, and Rivera. [December 2003]

CEMETERY: Bahia Blanca Jewish Association: 40 Las Heras Street formed in 1910 as a burial society for the cemetery two km from town at Road 3 and the road to Cabildo. The cemetery has more than 1,000 graves. About 600 families or 2,000 people belong to the Jewish Association. [December 2003]