International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


International Jewish Cemetery Project - Argentina
497 km from Buenos Aires, 120 km from Parana, 60 km from La Paz, and 47 km from Villa Alcaraz. Founded in 1936, the site in northeast Entre Rios province remains largely unchanged from the arrival of mostly German, but also Romanian and Polish refugees from the Nazis. The first about twenty families founded a cooperative that became 112 families and others. The town had a mikveh, synagogue, school, and eucalyptus trees that they planted. Contact for the restored synagogue [2000] and Jewish Union Center: Bety and Moises Preizler: 03438 - 492015. December 2003]

  • 7 Cementerio de Avigdor: The cemetery opened in 1937. The first burial (1938) was 12 year-old Irene Lang. The first row of graves face west. The remainder of the 150 graves face Jerusalem. Inscriptions are in Hebrew/Yiddish and Spanish. [December 2003]