International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


No information about Jewish cemeteries in Bangladesh - Contact us if you have any.

"Jewish population in Bangladesh is 175 which is 0.00011 of the total population of the country. Number of Jews in Pakistan is 200, while there is no official record of any Jewish population in Sri Lanka. Although the number of Jews in Bangladesh is shown to 175 in various information sites, including Wikipedia, according to Bangladeshi scholars, the real number of Jewish population in Bangladesh is above 3,500, while the Jews in Bangladesh are afraid of disclosing their religious identity fearing persecution of the anti-Semitic people. According to information, fearing religious persecution, Jews in Bangladesh mostly identify themselves as 'Jehova's Witness', while most of the Jews in the country are in textile related business as well as business in groceries." Source [January 2010]

"Choudhury has taken up the cause to return the synagogue to the Jewish population in Dhaka, Bangladesh's capital city, and has been fighting for other Jewish causes such as celebrating Rosh Hashanah and helping the Jewish community there obtain a Jewish cemetery for the past three years. "We are fighting for the religious rights of Jews in Bangladesh," Choudhury said. "They have the right to keep their religious identity. They don't have a place even to bury a body when they die -- they have to go to a Christian cemetery. They cannot tell someone that they are good [people]. They do not have the courage to celebrate Rosh Hashanah." Source [January 2010]