Alternate names: Uchanie [Pol], Ukhanie, Ухане [Rus], אוחאנייה [Yid], Uhanie. 50°54' N, 23°38' E, 21 miles NE of Zamość, 17 miles SSE of Chełm, 14 miles WNW of Hrubieszów. 1900 Jewish population: 1,386. Yizkor: Pinkas ha-kehilot; entsiklopediya shel ha-yishuvim le-min hivasdam ve-ad le-aher shoat milhemet ha-olam ha-sheniya: Poland vol. 7: Kielce and Lublin (Jerusalem, 1999). This village in Hrubieszów powiat, Lublin Voivodeship in eastern Poland is the seat of the administrative district called Gmina Uchanie, 20 km (12 mi) NW of Hrubieszów and 84 km (52 mi) SE of the regional capital Lublin. Gmina Uchanie contains the villages and settlements of Aurelin, Białowody, Bokinia, Chyżowice, Dębina, Drohiczany, Feliksów, Gliniska, Jarosławiec, Lemieszów, Łuszczów, Łuszczów-Kolonia, Marysin, Miedniki, Mojsławice, Mojsławice-Kolonia, Odletajka, Pielaki, Putnowice Górne, Rozkoszówka, Staszic, Teratyn, Teratyn-Kolonia, Uchanie-Kolonia, Wola Uchańska and Wysokie. [July 2009]
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The first documentation of Jews here was in the early 17th century. For many years, the Jews were the majority. Jewish population: 1769-175 Jews, 1856-786 out of 1,342, 1897-1386 (70%), and 1921-1,010. In the late 19th and early 20th century, immigration depleted the Jewish population. During WWII, Jews were subjected to repression, forced to work for the Reich, and their property confiscated. Jews from the surrounding localities including Horodle were brought to Uchanie until by May 1942 the village had 2,025 Jews. On June 10, 1942, the Nazis shipped them by train from the railway station in Miączynie to Sobibor. [July 2009]
The 0.6-ha cemetery slightly higher than street level (ul. Podgórze) was established in the 16th century on the hill near the Catholic church and a football field. Lack of space in the past resulted in burial in layers. The last known burial took place in 1943. The Nazis destroyed the cemetery during WWII. Gravestones were scattered over the neighboring fields, but none remain within the cemetery where the Nazis killed two Jewish families in October 1942. A wire mesh surrounded the cemetery area around 1960. A football field was created in part of the cemetery of about a hundred and fifty square meters. A Jew from Uchanie had bought land next to the cemetery before WWII that contained no burials. When the Nazis occupied Uchanie, they stole the gravestone to create sidewalks leaving only a few until 1942. On Shavuot (May 1942), the Gestapo took 43 Jews to the cemetery, some from Uchanie and some from Horodło. Ten at a time, the Germans shot them, one by one in a row. Recently, local people have found buried matzevot and since 2005 began returning them to the Jewish cemetery. Currently, five very well preserved and carved gravestones with Hebrew inscriptions remain, but the site with no sign is neglected and overgrown, surrounded by a wire mesh fence with an iron gate. Survivor Chaim Elle Leder, who lost his wife and four children, constructed the fence. [July 2009]US Commission No. AS 194
Alternate German name: Uhanie. Uchanie is located in Zamosc region at 50º54' 23º38', 45 km NE of Zamosc and 30 km SE of Chetui. The cemetery is located 300 m S of the center on Podguvze St. Present population is 1,000-5.000, no Jews.
- Town: Urzad Gminy w Uchaniach.
- Regional: region Konserwator Zabytkow Zamosc, 29 Staszica St., tel. 84/59-71.
The earliest known Jewish community was 16th century. 1921 Jewish population was 1010 (60%). The unlandmarked Jewish cemetery was established in the 16th century with last known Orthodox burial in 1943. The suburban hillside, separate but near other cemeteries, has sign or plague in Polish. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all with a broken fence and non-locking gate. The cemetery is.81 hectare, the same as before WWII. No gravestones are visible with no known mass graves or structures. Municipality owns site used for Jewish cemetery. Adjacent properties are agricultural, residential, and a Catholic cemetery. Rarely, private visitors stop. The cemetery was vandalized during WWII. Regional or national authorities fixed the wall about 1960 but no care. Weather erosion and vandalism are slight threats. Vegetation is a moderate threat, preventing seasonal access.
Pawel Sygowski, 59 Kazimowszcryzna St, 63/59; 20-201 Lublin, tel. 77-20-78 completed survey in August 1995 after July 1995 visit.