International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Coat of arms of Zweibrücken Alternate names: Zweibrücken [Ger], Deux-Ponts [Fr], Zweibruecken. Jewish population: 238 (in 1871), 149 (in 1933) 49°15' N, 07°22' E, in SW Germany, S Rhineland-Palatinate and near the French border and Palatine Forest,on the Schwarzbach river. History. Nothing remains of the great synagogue built in 1879. Over 100 years of Jewish history were obliterated in the pogrom dated November 9/10, 1938 when the synagogue was burned. The Zweibrücken synagogue trial in 1951 brought no perpetrators to light. Jewish community history. [August 2012]

ZWEIBRÜCKEN (ZWEIBRUEKEN): 66482 Rhineland-Palatinate (Gerz, Peters)

  • 1) I, Emstweiler-Bubenhausen
  • 2) II. Owned by Rheinpfalz. Plat Nr. 237. Size: 839 sq. meters; opened 1821; no upkeep. Source: Ernest B. Nathan, with permission from Juedische Kultusgemeinde der Rheinpfalz.
    Owned and maintained by the political entity. Size: 1,340 sq. meters; opened 1893; within the public cemetery. Source: Ernest B. Nathan with permission from Juedische Kultusgemeinde der Rheinpfalz.