International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


INGELHEIM: 55218 Rhineland-Palatinate (Gerz, Peters)

(Ingelheim am Rhein)
1. In den Hallern;  Owned and maintained by Rheinpfalz. Plat Nr. 3522. Size: 8,693 sq. meters; opened 1650. Source: Ernest B. Nathan with permission from Juedische Kultusgemeinde der Rheinpfalz.

2. Friedhof am Gehauweg 3. Friedhof am Freiweinheimer Weg ü Es darf kein Efeu darueber wachsen: Juedische Friedhoefe in Ingelheim by Hans-Georg Meyer in: Beitraege zur juedischen Geschichte in Rheinland-Pfalz 3 (1993) Nr. 5, S.22-31


[UPDATE] From GERsig posting by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [November 2016]

It took Klaus Duersch, chairperson of the Deutsch-Israelischer Freundeskreis
Ingelheim (DIF) some years to document the inscriptions of the more than 200
tombstones on the four Jewish cemeteries of Ingelheim/Rhein, a town
neighbouring Mainz/Rhein, the former Jewish Ashkenaz centre Magenza. With
the help of Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute, Essen, the inscriptions are
now all listed in their data base EPIDAT and can be found under