ALZEY: 55232 Rhineland-Palatinate (Gerz)

The following was received from Renate Rosenau (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) of Alzey, on 2010-01-29:

"Under Napoleon rule the cemeteries inside the towns and villages had to be closed. In Alzey was decided to use the same grounds for the Christian and the Jewish cemeteries. They were started in 1810. In 1870 and 1905 the Jewish cemetery had to be enlarged.

I could not yet find out when the old tomb stones (before 1810) were moved from the old cemetery in Antoniterstraße to Berliner Strasse.

The graveyard Antoniterstraße does not exist any more.

239 gravestones.  Condition: quite good. Access open at normal opening hours."

Renate Rosenau has informed us that she welcomes inquiries and requests for information.

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[29 April 2010]






Parent Category: GERMANY