International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Coat of Oberöwisheim Oberöwisheim is in the hills of the district of Kraichtal in the district of Karlsruhe in NW Baden-Württemberg . 49°09' N 8°41' E. : (OBEROEWISHEIM) see KRAICHTAL.

Jewish Cemetery: Created in the 17th century, the landmarked, 91.35 Ar cemetery in Reimenhälden lies on a steep slope inappropriate for agriculture, which is why the site was used. Jews were not allowed to use Christian cemeteries so they used the Jewish cemetery at Speyer (until 1435) and then Worms. The Jewish cemetery was built around 1629 as Oberöwisheim Cemetery Association for Kraichgauer Jews. Visible are 492 gravestones, the oldest dating from 1735 and the most recent from 1938. The second oldest Jewish cemetery in Kraichgau was then established in the second half of the 17th century in Waibstadt . Gradually, more Jewish cemeteries were created such as in Flehingen (1688), Eichtersheim (1781), Epping (1819), Michel Feld (1868), Berwangen (before 1877), Bad Rappenau (1881), Ittlingen (1887), Meckenheim (1896) and in Sinsheim (around 1890). Oberöwisheim in the last decades of its use was only a burial ground for Menzingen Münzesheim and Odenheim. [Mar 2013]

76703 Baden-Württemberg

To see information and photographs of individual gravestones in cemeteries in Baden-Wuerttemberg, click on this link and follow the directions on that page.