
Coat of arms of Oberderdingen 49°04' N 8°48'E. municipality in the district of Karlsruhe 30 km E of Karlsruhe, and 32 km W of Heilbronn.OBERDERDINGEN incorporating FLEHINGEN. The Flehinger Jewish cemetery was established in 1688 and enlarged on several occasions, most recently in 1926. The landmarked Jewish cemetery on 3935 sq m on the outskirts of Gochsheim is ocated on a steep slope on the road hallway to Gochsheimer Jewish cemetery. 294 gravestones are visible. Founded in 1688, the last burial took place in 1939  The oldest datable gravestone dates from 1709. Jewish communities in Bauerbach, Gochsheim and Epping also used it. Five early 1900's gravestones are by the sculptor Ludwig Brettener Christof Meffle. 1939 was the last funeral. In 1985 and 1986, the cemetery was desecrated  [Mar 2013]

75038 Baden-Württemberg (Gerz, Peters).

DISTRICT: Karlsruhe.

LOCATION OF CEMETERY: Flehingen (old) Gochsheimer Straße (Detail).

IN USE: From 1688 (laid out) until 1939. Oldest datable gravestone 1709.



o        19888/89 photographs of all gravestones with mapping of graves by Zentralarchiv.

o        1995 cemetery documentation including above photographs by order of the Community of Oberderdingen and in collaboration with  the Office for Historic Monuments (Landesdenkmalamt ed. Michael Thon).

o        Numerous photographs of individual gravestones and general cemetery views in Alemannia Judaica.


o        Photographic survey by Hundsnurscher/Taddey 1968, fig.#58..

o        Photographic survey by Theobald 1984, page 93.

o        Hundsnurscher/Taddey 1968: history page 173; photographic overall view fig.#124.


o        The cemetery was enlarged several times, the last time in 1926. It is situated on a steep incline along the old Gochsheimer Strasse, about 1 km outside Flehingen.

o        The cemetery was vandalised in 1985 and 1986 according to reports published in the Badische Neueste Nachrichten on 30.04.1986.

SOURCES: University of Heidelberg and Alemannia Judaica.

(Translated from German July 2008)

To see information and photographs of individual gravestones in cemeteries in Baden-Wuerttemberg, click on this link and follow the directions on that page.

Parent Category: GERMANY