Article [2009]
Jews of Kaifeng [July 2008]
Jews of Kaifeng [June 2003]
"A once-thriving Jewish community whose members are likely to be descended from Persian Jewish traders who settled in Kaifeng in the 10th & 11th centuries. Most Kaifeng Jews assimilated with local Confucians in the 16th century, but 500 contemporary descendants of those Jews have revitalized their Jewish practices." Source [January 2002]
"Kaifeng: China's only city where there are Chinese Jews, and a Kaifeng Jewish Community. A thousand years ago, it was an emperor of Northern Song Dynasty that allowed those Jews fleeing from the persecucation by persians to settle down in Kaifeng." Source [January 2010]
History of Kaifeng Jews [January 2010]
[UPDATE] Chinese authorities crack down on tiny Jewish community [January 2017]
- Jewish Cemetery: In the 9th century, nearly 1,000 Jews lived in the city of Kaifeng. In the mid-1800s, a Jewish cemetery and synagogue faced west toward Jerusalem. reference to cemeteries existence. A Jin family cemetery may exist. [January 2010]