International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


US Commission No. SLCE000041

Velky Saris is located NW of Presov. The isolated wooded hillside has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via a broken masonry wall without gate. 100-500 19th-20th century, marble, granite, and sandstone flat shaped tombstones or finely smoothed and inscribed stones have Hebrew and German inscriptions. 20-100 are in original locations. Adjacent properties are forest. Rarely, private individuals visit. Security and pollution are moderate threats; vandalism is a very serious threat.

Alternate name: Nagy Saros

From Barkany's book, ISBN 80-85128-56-X: "Jews lived there in the year 1251. Cemetery is 2km from village and 4 km from Presov in forest next to main road from Presov to Orlov. Established 1780. 75m longx21 meters. Terrain: on a hill. In middle, rather steep. A stone wall around. Men and women separate. Large portion broken, cemetery rather destroyed." [There is absolutely no marking on the road to find this cemetery. An access road winds into the hills. A little further, on foot, the cemetery is in a forest setting with 33 stones. Some graves seemed to have been plundered. Source: Paul Klein;


January 2009:

Map of Village

Town Veľký Šariš

Erb Veľký Šariš Address: Phone:
00 421 51 776 23 00
Mestský úrad Fax: 00 421 51 776 24 80
Námestie sv. Jakuba 1 Email: msuvsaris@kryha.s
082 21 Veľký Šariš

Region: Prešovský
District: Prešov
Micro region: Šarišský
Inhabitants: 4796
Area: 2573 ha
First paper reference: in year 1217
Mayor: Ing. Róbert Oros
Chief: Jozef Gaľan