International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Lipany (Hungarian: Héthárs, German: Siebenlinden, Siebenlinden, Lipjany, Lipiany, Septem Tiliis is a town in northeastern Slovakia. Jews arrived in Lipany in the early 18th century. 1848 Jewish population: 130.  The community built its first synagogue in 1859. In the early 20th century, a Beit Midrash and a Talmud Torah were established. After WWI, Zionist activities and organizations began. In 1929, a new, larger synagogue was consecrated. In March 1942, nearly 400 Jews from Lipany were transported to various Polish ghettos and concentration camps.The 19th/20th cemetery has 62 gravestones.



burial list [January 2010]

photos of cemetery. [Sept 2014]

US Commission No. SLCE000048

Lipany is located NW of Presov; alternate name: Lipiany and Lipjany: 4909 2058.

An individual with information about the cemetery is Anton Valko, Sabinovska 16, Lipany. See books by the late Eugen Barkany in Introduction. Cemetery is about 2 km into the forest, with traces of a stone wall, but no tombstones. They were used to construct a RR line. The flat urban isolated location has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via a broken masonry wall without gate. 100-500 19th-20th century marble and sandstone flat shaped tombstones and flat stones with carved relief decoration with Hebrew and German inscriptions are in original locations. The property is used for a garden. Adjacent properties are residential. Occasionally, private visitors stop. Vegetation was cleared. Now, individuals clean or clean occasionally. Security, vandalism and weather are minor threats.

UPDATE: 150 graves. Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., but currently she has no additional information. [October 2002]

January 2009:

Map of Town

Photo of Town

Town Lipany

Erb Lipany Address: Phone:
00 421 51 488 11 50
Mestský úrad Fax: 00 421 51 488 11 70
Krivianska 1 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
082 71 Lipany

Region: Prešovský
District: Sabinov
Micro region: Prešovský
Inhabitants: 6395
Area: 1265 ha
First paper reference: in year 1312
Mayor: Ing. Eduard Vokál