
Alternate name: Alsókubín. town image: [February 2009]


US Commission No. SLCE000075

Dolny Kubin is located in Dolny Kubin, N of Ruzomberok. The isolated urban hillside has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via a broken masonry wall and no gate.100-500 marble, granite, sandstone, and other materials 19th-20th century gravestones in original locations are flat shaped tombstones and finely smoothed with Hebrew and German inscriptions. Some have metal fences around graves. The property is used for waste dump or abandoned [unclear]. Adjacent properties are residential. Private visitors stop rarely. Vegetation is a moderate threat, disturbing gravestones.


January 2009:

Map of Town

Town Dolný Kubín

Erb Dolný Kubín Address: Phone:
00 421 43 586 36 17, 581 44 61
Mestský úrad Fax: 00 421 43 581 44 64
Hviezdoslavove námestie 1651/2 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
026 01 Dolný Kubín

Region: Žilinský
District: Dolný Kubín
Micro region: Dolná Orava
Inhabitants: 19 775
Area: 5 505 ha
First paper reference: in year 1235
Mayor: Ing. Ivan Budiak
Chief: JUDr. Jozef Holdoš
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE