ZIELUN OSADA GM. LUBOWIDZ:     US Commission No. POCE000376
Zielun Osada gm. Lubowidz is located in Chiechanow at 53º10 19º51, 10 km from Lidzbark Welski. The cemetery is located opposite no. 39 estate on a cart-track found on the left side of the road if one enters Zielun from the direction of Zuromin. Present population is under 1,000 people with no Jews. 1921 Jewish population (census) was 366. The cemetery was established in the 19th century with last known Orthodox, Sephardic Orthodox, Conservative, or Progressive/Reform Jewish burial in 1942. The cemetery was located on an isolated hillside now overgrown by forest with no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all with no wall, gate, or fence. There are no visible gravestones; and the exact size of the cemetery, both before World War II and now, is unknown. Vegetation overgrowth in the cemetery is a constant problem that disturbs graves. The cemetery was vandalized during World War II, but not in the last ten years with no maintenance. There are no structures or known mass graves. The unknown owner uses property for agriculture. Properties adjacent are agricultural. Rarely, private visitors and local residents stop.
Wojciech Henrykowski, ul. Spoldzielcza 20, 06-200 Makow Mazowiecki completed survey on 4 September 1991. He visited the site on 3 September 1991. The employees of the communal office in Lubowidz, Dzioldowo, and Lidzbark were interviewed.
Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE