
53°03' N 16°45' E, 186.4 miles WNW of Warszawa. Ujście is a town in Piła powiat, Greater Poland Voivodeship with 3,888 inhabitants in 2004. [July 2009]

Normal 0 On the night of September 1, 1941 a civilian detachment (Freikorps) attacked the town and massacred the Polish population. Women and children, a Catholic priest, and intelligentsia were murdered, publicly shot--22 people including the wife of Judge Bzowska. The priest was buried in the Jewish cemetery. [July 2009]

US Commission No. POCE000414

Alternate German name Usch. Ujscie is located in the Pila region at 53º03' 16º44', 10 km from Pila. The cemetery is on Czarnkowska St. Present population is 5,000-25,000, no Jews.

The earliest known Jewish community was 16th century, when the unlandmarked Progressive/ Reform cemetery was established. 1939 Jewish population was 21 (census). The isolated suburban hillside has no sign, wall, fence, or gate. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all. The cemetery was 50 hectares before WWII but has been liquidated. There are no gravestones visible, no known mass graves, and no structures. Municipality owns site used for residential use. Adjacent property is residential. Compared to 1939, the cemetery boundaries are smaller due to housing development. The cemetery was vandalized during WWII. There are no maintenance, no care, no current threats.

Henryk Grecki, 70-534 Szcrecin, 3/73 Soltysia St., tel. 377-41 completed survey on August 30, 1991 using the karta cmentarza. It was not visited.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE