
Coat of arms of UjazdUjazd, Bischofstal, Ujest, Ujest Oberschlesien. 50°23' N 18°21' E, 172.3 miles SW of Warszawa. This town in Strzelce powiat in Opole Voivodeship with a population 1,647. 70% of the town was destroyed during WWII. [July 2009]

The town lies on bank of the river Kłodnica. Tourist attractions in the town include Ujazd castle (formerly used by bishops of Wrocław) and two churches..

KehilaLink [May 2015]


The 0.5-hectare cemetery located outside town limits in the woods almost in the modern village of Niezdrowice is sequestered deep in the woods by the road to Kędzierzyn-Koźle, about 1 km from the asphalt road into the woods. Normal 0 The neglected and forgotten cemetery was founded in 1822. The last known burial was on May 6, 1881. During WWII, the Germans destroyed the cemetery. Either 25 or 32 gravestones remain, the oldest from February 19th, 1822 (Hava bat Moise). The gravestone inscriptions are in German and Hebrew. Most are toppled. No remains of enclosure are found in the landmarked cemetery (No. 240/90 from February.1990). Photos. Photos. [July 2009]

US Commission No. POCE000533

Alternate name Ehrenforst in German. Ujazd is located in the Opolskie region at 50º24' 18º21', 48 km from Katowice. The cemetery is located on Niezdrowice. Present population is 1,000-5,000, no Jews.

The Jewish cemetery was established before 1822 with last known Progressive/Reform burial May 6, 1881. Landmark: a landmark no. 240/90. The isolated wooded flat land has no sign or marker, wall, fence, or gate. Reached by crossing other public forest, access is open to all. The present size of the cemetery is.07 hectare, the same as before WWII. 20-100 gravestones, 1-20 not in the original position and 25%-50% toppled or broken, date from the 19th century. The cemetery is not divided into special sections. The oldest known gravestone is Hava B. Mose dated 19 February 1822. The limestone and sandstone flat stones with carved relief decoration have Hebrew and German inscriptions. There are no known mass graves or structures. Municipality owns property used for Jewish cemetery. Adjacent properties are agricultural. Rarely, private visitors stop. The cemetery was vandalized occasionally. Stones were re-erected and cleaned and vegetation cleared in 1990. Occasionally, authorities clear or clean. Security, weather erosion, pollution and vandalism are slight threats. Vegetation is a moderate threat.

Marcin Wodzinski, 187/13 Jednosci Narodonej St., 50-303 Wrocean, tel. 210908 completed survey on May 8, 1992 after a visit on May 6, 1992.

UJAZD:     US Commission No. POCE000670

Ujazd is located in Piotrkow at 51º36 19º55, 30 km from Piotrkow. The cemetery is located at NW from the town in a forest but location not precisely determined. Present population is 1,000-5,000 with no Jews.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE