
Coat of arms of TrzemesznoAlternate name: Tremessen [Ger]. 52°34' N 17°50' E, 135.2 miles W of Warszawa. The town in central Poland belonging to the group of the oldest settlements in the region and Gmina Trzemszno, in Greater Poland Voivodeship; previously in Bydgoszcz Voivodeship (1975-1998). Beside the town of Trzemeszno, Gmina Trzemeszno contains the villages and settlements of Bieślin, Brzozowiec, Bystrzyca, Cytrynowo, Dąbrowa, Duszno, Dysiek, Folusz, Gołąbki, Grabowo, Huta Trzemeszeńska, Ignalin, Jastrzębowo, Jerzykowo, Kamieniec, Kierzkowo, Kozłówko, Kozłowo, Kruchowo, Kurze Grzędy, Ławki, Lubiń, Miaty, Mijanowo, Miława, Niewolno, Ochodza, Ostrowite, Pasieka, Płaczkowo, Popielewo, Powiadacze, Rudki, Smolary, Święte, Szydłowo, Szydłowo Drugie, Trzemżal, Wydartowo, Wymysłowo and Zieleń. [July 2009]

US Commission No. POCE000609

Alternate German name: Tremessen. Trzemeszno is located in Bydgoszcz at 52º34 17º49, 16km from Gniezno. The cemetery is located at Trzemeszno-Zielen. Present population is 5,000 -25,000 with no Jews.

The earliest known Jewish community was second half of the 19th century. 1848 Jewish population was 130. The Jewish cemetery was established in 19th century. The suburban crown of a hill, separate but near other cemeteries, has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all with no wall, fence, or gate. The size of cemetery before WWII and now is 0.17 hectares. Fewer than 20 gravestones in original positions with less than 25% toppled or broken date from the 19th century. The terrazzo flat shaped stones have Hebrew inscriptions. The cemetery contains no known mass graves or structures. The municipality owns site. a forest. Properties adjacent are agricultural and other cemeteries. The cemetery is visited rarely. The cemetery was vandalized during World War II with no maintenance Weather erosion is a moderate threat.

Magdalena Grabowska, ul. Sanatoryjna 40, Bydgoszcz, Tel. 277335 completed survey on 30/10/1992. She visited in June 1992 and used Cemetery Card 1992r. WKZ Bydgoszcz.

UPDATE: Both the survey work done in 1990/91 and an independent report of a traveller posted to a jewishgen newsgroup confirm that at that time, the Jewish cemetery still existed with a not insignificant number of stones -- however it is now GONE. In its place is what may well be the nicest home in town. It is no more than 10 years old and the earth surrounding is freshly churned. source: Anonymous [April 2004]

UPDATE: Cemetery photos at [January 2006]

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE