
Coat of arms of Strzelce Opolskie Alternate names: Strzelce Opolskie [Pol, since 1945], Groß Strehlitz [Ger], Wielkie Strzelce, Strzelce, Strehlitz, Gross Strohlitz, Gross Strehlitz. 50°31' N, 18°18' E, In Upper Silesia, 19 miles SE of Opole (Oppeln), 23 miles NW of Gliwice (Gleiwitz). Jewish population: 509 (in 1880), 114 (in 1933). Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego (1880-1902), XI, pp. 459-460: "Strzelce" #1. This town in the Opole Voivodeship in SW Poland with 19,628 inhabitants in 2006  is the capital of Strzelce powiat, one of the biggest centers of German minority in Poland. The town is located along the major rail line which joins Gliwice and Opole.A branch line connecting Strzelce Opolskie with Kędzierzyn Koźle was closed in 1999 as part of PKP's cost-cutting measures, although the rails still remain in situ as of 2006. Besides Strzelce Opolskie, Gmina Strzelce Opolskie contains the villages and settlements of Adamowice, Banatki Duże, Banatki Małe, Błotnica Strzelecka, Breguła, Brzezina, Dołki, Doryszów, Dziewkowice, Farska Kolonia, Grodzisko, Jędrynie, Kadłub, Kadłubski Piec, Kalinowice, Kasztal, Ligota Dolna, Ligota Górna, Mokre Łany, Niwki, Nowa Wieś, Osiek, Płużnica Wielka, Rozmierka, Rozmierz, Rożniątów, Sucha, Suche Łany, Szczepanek, Szymiszów and Warmątowice. [July 2009]

CEMETERY: Founded around 1830-1840, the cemetery was outside the town limits to the east at the time of its creation at the road to Gogolin adjacent to the Christian cemetery. During WWII, the Nazis destroyed the cemetery. In the1960s, the authorities closed the cemetery. Currently a town square with parking spaces in front of the local cooperative bank (Bank Spółdzielczy) is on the site. No fencing or matzevot were preserved although some may be in neighboring gardens or cellars. [July 2009]

US Commission No. POCE000459

US Commission No. POCE000532
Alternate German name: Gross Strehlitz. The town is located at 50°31 18°18, 32 km from Opole. Cemetery: ul. Gogolinska. Present town population is 5,000-25,000 with no Jews.

The earliest known Jewish community is before 1850. The Jewish population before WWII was 145. The unlandmarked Progressive/Reform Jewish cemetery was established 1830 or 1840. The isolated urban flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all. The cemetery no fence, wall or gate. The cemetery size is 0.0 ha. now. No stones or are known mass graves exist. A private individual owns the property used only for industrial or commercial purposes. Adjacent property is agricultural. Rarely, private visitors stop. It was vandalized occasionally. No maintenance or care, structures, or threats. Cemetery does not exist.

Marcin Wodzinski, ul. Jednosci Narodonej 187/13, 50-303 Wroclaw, tel. 216908 completed survey on 8 May 1992. Documentation: H:Z Labeccy Cmentarz Zydowski w Strzelcach Opolskich, Bytom 1990. Other documentation exists but was " too old." He visited the site on 6 May 1992 and interviewed neighbors.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE