
Alternate names: Ryczywół [Pol], Ritchvol, Рычивул [Yid], Rychivul, Рычивул [Rus], Ritshevul. 51°41' N, 21°26' E, 22 miles NNE of Radom, 9 miles NW of Kozienice. 1900 Jewish population: 492. [June 2009]

US Commission No. POCE000073

Alternate Yiddish name: Ritchvol. Rychzwol is Radomskie region at 51º41' 21º38', 15 km from Kozienice and 69 km from Warszawa. The cemetery location is agricultural near the road to Wilczkowice.

The earliest known Jewish Community was 1761, maybe as early as 1677. 1921 Jewish population was 616 (51.9%). The unlandmarked cemetery was established prior to 1761 with last known Conservative burial in 1942. The isolated rural flat land has no sign or marker. It is open to all with no wall, fence, or gate. The present size of the cemetery is 1 ha. No stones are visible. Stones from the cemetery were used to build private structures. There are no known mass graves. The municipality owns the cemetery used for agriculture, as are adjacent properties. Private visitors rarely visit. It was vandalized during WWII. There is no maintenance or structures. Security, weather erosion, pollution, and vegetation are moderate threats, vandalism a slight threat.

Adam Penkalla, deceased, completed survey September 14, 1991 after a visit.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE