
File:POL gmina Puck COA.svg also see WEJHEROWO PUCK

Puck, Putzig. 54°42' N 18°25' E, 199.7 miles NNW of Warszawa. Puck is a town in NW Poland in Gdansk Pomerania on the south coast of the Baltic Sea (Bay of Puck) that is historically also known as the Bay of Putzig, a shallow western branch of the Bay of Gdansk in the southern Baltic Sea off the shores of Gdansk Pomerania. [June 2009]

US Commission No. POCE000012

Alternate name: Putzig (German). Puck is located in Gdansk at 54º43 18º25, 25km from Wejherowa. Present population is 5,000-25,000 with no Jews. The cemetery is located at 1 Maja Street.

The earliest known Jewish community was 1816. 1931 Jewish population (census) was 218 (including Jewish residents of Wejherowo). Effecting the Jewish Community was the ban on permanent settlement in 1309; the lifting of that ban in 1808; 1816 Jewish residents first numerical records of their existence and house of prayer built; 1857 statute of the community confirmed; and 1933 when Jews began to emigrate. The Orthodox cemetery was established in the first quarter of the 19th century. Listed: town's master plan. The isolated urban flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all with no wall or gate. The current size of the cemetery is 0.18 hectares. The pre-war size is unknown. No gravestones are visible. Municipality owns site used for recreation. Properties adjacent are residential. The cemetery is visited rarely. It was vandalized during World War II. No maintenance.

Dr. Hanna Domanska, ul. Wladyslawa IV 34/3, 81-742 Sopot, tel: 51-04-22 completed survey on 22/07/1991. The card of the cemetery and H. Domanska's text, The Tree of Stone Tears; The Jewish Communities of the Gdansk Vovoidship; Their History and Culture. (Gdansk, 1991) were used as documentation.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE