
Coat of arms of Książ Wielkopolski 52°04' N 17°14' E, 160.0 miles W of Warszawa. Książ Wielkopolski is a town in Śrem powiat with 2,663 inhabitants as of 2004. Apart from the town of Książ Wielkopolski, Gmina Książ Wielkopolski contains the villages and settlements of Brzóstownia, Charłub, Chrząstowo, Chwałkowo Kościelne, Feliksowo, Gogolewko, Gogolewo, Jarosławki, Kiełczyn, Kiełczynek, Kołacin, Konarskie, Konarzyce, Łężek, Ługi, Mchy, Międzybórz, Obreda, Radoszkowo, Radoszkowo Drugie, Sebastianowo, Sroczewo, Świączyń, Świączynek, Włościejewice, Włościejewki, Zaborowo, Zakrzewice, Zakrzewo and Zawory. Map [June 2009].

US Commission No. POCE000453   

Ksiaz Wlkp is located in Poznan woj at 52°03 17°14, 60 km from Poznan. Cemetery location: approx. 0.5 km N of town. Present town population is 1,000-5,000 with no Jews.

1921 Jewish population was 14. Progressive/Reform Jews used this cemetery, 0.5 km from the congregation that used it. The isolated suburban small rise has no sign or marker. Reached by crossing public forest road, access is open to all with no wall or gate. There are no gravestones or structures. Municipality owns property is used for agriculture and forest, as are adjacent properties. The cemetery, vandalized during WWII, has no maintenance or care. Security and vegetation are very serious threats.

Pniewski Stawomi [sic], Poznan, ul. Pnybyszcwskiego 51/4, who visited the site in 1989, completed survey Aug 1991. Documentation: a 1940 German map. No interviews.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE