
STARY KIĄCZYN at 52°52' N 22°23' E, 72.0 miles NE of Warszawa is near Stawiszyn. This village in the administrative district of Gmina Stawiszyn within Kalisz County, Greater Poland Voivodeship is in west-central Poland 3 km(2 mi) NE of Stawiszyn, 20 km (12 mi) N of Kalisz, and 98 km (61 mi) SE of the regional capital Poznań. [May 2009]

When the first Jews settled in Stawiszynie is unknown, but a Jewish community (kahal) existed in the mid-19th century. "Geographical Dictionary of the Polish Kingdom and other Slavic Countries" [Słownika geograficznego Królestwa Polskiego i innych krajów słowiańskich] mentions the existence of a wooden synagogue in 1883: "140 houses, 1,924 inhabitants, Protestants, 238, Orthodox 4, Jews 609. In 1857, 167 houses (4 stone), 1550 inhabitants (364 Jews)." In 1884, 656 Jews (31%) lived in the village. 1921 census counted 672 Jews. In January 1940, the Nazis deported some of them to Kalisz and the others were deported to the ghetto in Koźminku on February 12, 1940. The majority of Stawiszyńskich Jews perished in 1942 in the extermination camp at Chelmno nad Nerem. [May 2009]

CEMETERY: The old Jewish cemetery in Stawiszynie is located in the village of Kiączyn Stary. 39 matzevot in various states of preservation and the wall surrounding the former cemetery site exist. Gravestones are traditional shapes and, in many cases, with rich ornamentation of plant motifs and other forms. Inscriptions are in Hebrew. Today the cemetery is cared for 1 Stawiszynskiej Drużyny Harcerzy imienia Króla Jana III Sobieskiego, the team under the direction of Jan Widerskiego. Photos. [May 2009]

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE