
Bogusławie (formerly [Ger] Birkenwalde) is a village at 53°39′13″N 14°39′7″E in the administrative district of Gmina Stepnica, about 1 mi E of Stepnica. Before 1945 the area was part of Pomerania, Germany. The village has a population of 260. Boguslawie is in Gmina Stepnica is seat of a rural gmina (administrative district) in Goleniów County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, in NW Poland and seat is the village of Stepnica. The gmina 2006 population is 4,693. Gmina Stepnica contains the villages and settlements of Bogusławie, Borowice, Budzień, Czarnocin, Gąsierzyno, Jarszewko, Kopice, Krokorzyce, Łąka, Miłowo, Piaski Małe, Racimierz, Rogów, Stepnica, Stepniczka, Widzieńsko, Żarnówko, Żarnowo and Zielonczyn. [April 2009]

US Commission No. POCE000194

The cemetery is at Boguskawie gm. Stepnica in Szczecin province at 53°20 14°30, 2 km from a larger town [no name is given]. 1990 population:under 1,000 with no Jews.

The earliest known Jewish community dates from the second half of the 19th century. The population (census) before WWII was about 2,000. The Jewish cemetery was established in the second half of the 19th century, about 1882. The last known Jewish burial was 1941. The towns of Tak and Stepnica used this cemetery about 2 km. away. This isolated, wooded flat land with no sign, marker, fence, or wall is reached by turning directly off a public road and is open to all. The cemetery is the same size as its pre-WWII, 0.8 hectares. 1-20 stones, all in original locations with less than 25% toppled or broken, date from 1923. The granite and standstone and other material rough stones or boulders or finely smoothed and inscribed stones have German inscriptions. Municipality owns site used for storage and waste dump. Adjacent properties are agricultural and other. Occasionally, local residents visit. Security and weather erosion pose serious threats.

Dr. Alojzy Kowalczyk, ulica Moniuszki 4/B, 73-110 Stargard, tel. 73-44-40 visited site on September 30, 1990, October 12, 1990, and September 28, 1991 and completed survey on October 1, 1991. "Karta Cmentarza" W. Rozyczka, 1990" was documentation. Zofia Mazurek, Boguslawie, gm. Stepnica was interviewed on September 30, 1990.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE