
50°06' N 22°21' E, 159.5 miles SSE of Warszawa. [October 2000]


Cemetery photos [April 2009]

Building works are underway at the Jewish cemetery in Bialobrzegi, where our Foundation is erecting a fence in cooperation with the Goldfarb family of New York and the US Commission for the Preservation of the America's Heritage Abroad.picture and links. [July 2015]

US Commission No. POCE0000077

The cemetery location is Rzemieslnicza ulica in Radomskie region at 51°39N 20°58 E. 1991 town population: 5000-25000 with no Jews.

The earliest known Jewish community was 18th century, possibly 1750-1770. 1921 Jewish population was 1,418 (58.6%). The unlandmarked cemetery was established in 1857 with last known Orthodox burial in 1942. The isolated urban flat land has no sign. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all with no wall, fence, or gate. No stones are visible. The property, owned by a regional or national governmental agency, is used for agricultural and residential purposes. Properties adjacent are residential. Rarely, private visitors stop. The cemetery was vandalized prior to and during WWII but not in the last ten years. No maintenance or care. Within the limits of the cemetery are no structures. Security and incompatible development are slight threats. Weather erosion, pollution, vegetation, and vandalism are moderate threats.

Adam Penkalla, ulica Gagarina 9, m.24, 26-600 Radom, tel. 48 - 366 35 34 completed survey on 11 August 1991 using his own documentation. He visited the site on 26 July 1991.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE