
Official seal of Baligród Alternate names: Baligród [Pol, Yid], Beligrod, Balihorod, 49°20' N, 22°17' E, in SW Poland, 50 miles SSE of Rzeszów (Zheshuv), 8 miles S of Lesko (Linsk). Baligród is a village in Lesko, Subcarpathian voivodeship (from January 1, 1999 until January 1, 2002 in Bieszczady County) and also the seat of the municipality (gmina) called Gmina Baligród. 1900 Jewish population: 988. Yizkor:  Sefer yizkor; mukdash le-yehudei ha-ayarot she-nispu ba-shoa be-shanim 1939-44, Linsk, Istrik, Beligrod, Litovisk veha-sevivah (Tel Aviv, 1965).  Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego (1880-1902), I, p. 87: "Baligród". Birthplace of Jennie Grossinger. Jews Baligrodzie settled in the seventeenth century and for many years accounted for half of the population. There were two synagogues and a Jewish school. Before the outbreak of WWII, almost all shops in the Baligrodzie were owned by Jews. [March 2009]



US Commission No. POCE000715: The US Commission is not finished rechecking this file [2000].

Cemetery photos [January 2006]

Photos of the cemetery. Location: Baligród, ul. J. Duplaka, podkarpackie, on a hill about 200 to 300 meters from the market. Established at the beginning of the 19th century, the neglected site is covered with weeds. 50 to 100 matzevot with rich ornamentation are visible. The oldest is from 1718. The cemetery area is 1.15 ha. On August 6, 1944, when the village was attacked by a unit of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, 42 Poles were killed and some buildings burnt. Polish Army soldiers stationed here called the village "Diabligród" (Devil's Town) because Germans occupiers paved the main square with most of gravestones taken from the Jewish cemetery. Then, they were covered with a layer of asphalt and there to this day. [March 2009]



Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE