
Coat of arms of Daugai Alternate names: Dowig, Doig, Dovig, Daugai, Daug, Daugay, Dauge, Daugu, Daugų, Daugi, Doyg and Dawgi. Modern maps use Daugai. 54°22' 24°20'. (link to map1, link to map2) Alytus district, southern Lithuania. Many Jews from Dowig emigrated to Bostonarea around 1880. Daugai is situated on a peninsula in a lake. 1914 Jewish population: 110 Jewish families (60%). Daugai had one synagogue and a Tarbut school. During WWI, many Jewish refugees, especially from Vilna, sought refuge here. The Jewish community helped with a soup kitchen. A number of the refugees settled in Daugai where a library and a German school opened. In 1925, half of the small town burned and was rebuilt with the help of the Joint (Committee of American Jewry). Most Jews engaged in trade, crafts, and fishery. A weekly market day and two sawmills and a Jewish bank represent other parts of Jewish pursuits. During Lithuanian independence, the Jews lost their businesses; Jewish shopkeepers had to move or emigrate. 1936 Jewish population: 90. 1941 Jewish population: 90 Jewish families (about 500 people). After the outbreak of WWII (1939 )and the conquest of Poland by the Germans, Lithuania was annexed by the Soviet Union in late Summer 1940. [March 2009]


Jewish cemetery: [September 2010]

80+ gravestones remain visible. During the Soviet period, some were used for building materials. After Independence, some were brought back to the cemetery and reinstalled.

Lithuania Jewish Cemetery Project information and photos: T"he cemetery located in a nice peninsula by the lake. Tombstones had been used for stairs during the Soviet period and after it replaced back to the cemetery and neatly placed in rows. Daugų Jewish cemetery, located on the peninsula of the Lake Allowing (I Island). Monuments placed several orders of magnitude from tvarkingomis demontavus them in Soviet times, would make the ladder.Tombstones had been used for stairs during the Soviet period and after it replaced back to the cemetery and neatly placed in rows.Bing Translated Lithuania Jewish Cemetery Project's photo.Lithuania Jewish Cemetery Project's photo.Lithuania Jewish Cemetery Project's photo.Lithuania Jewish Cemetery Project's photo.

#‎MisijaSibiras15‬ test March participants also carefully arranged and recorded the Nemunaičio cemetery.

More about this trip: SIBIRAS's photo.MISIJA SIBIRAS with Ieva Vaitkevičiūtė „Kodėl svarbu ten nuvykti? Žinoma, tai iššūkis, tačiau juk tai mūsų istorijos dalis, todėl būtume laimingi, jei galėtume prie jos prisiliesti, sutvarkyti tremti...See Translation[Aug 2015]

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