

1986 photo: Telkibánya Jewish prayer room used as a pub. Caretaker of the cemetery is István Kudrák. [February 2009]


Telkibánya is located 30 km from Satoraljaujhely and 60 km from Miskolc, Telkibanya's current population is about 1200 with no known Jewish population.

The unmarked site, accessible only through private property, is private property but the previous owners' last name was Bartok (as in Bela Bartok). The property may have been sold or inherited by others. I believe the only (Holocaust) survivor, who traces her ancestry to Telkibanya, is a Mrs. Foldes, (previously married to a Schwarcz, Sandor?) whose family now lives in the county seat of Miskolc. Jewish population (census) before WWII was maybe 20-25. The last known Neolog Jewish burial in cemetery was probably before1944. The nearest synagogue was in the village of Abaujvar, which had its own cemetery. The abandonned Abaujvar synagogue was (is) located approximately 8 km from Telkibanya.

Approximate the number of gravestones in cemetery is 60-100. Inscriptions are probably in Hebrew. The current cemetery property is Jewish cemetery only although previous part is now private property. Weather erosion is a very serious threat. Vegetation is a serious threat.

Ernest Krakkai Crawford, 6 Switlik Road, Hamilton Square, New Jersey 08690; (609-586-4597): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. completed survey on 16 Sep 1999.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE