International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies



In 1999, I visited a small (a few thousand burial sites) in Szentes, Hungary. The gated cemetery was maintained by a stonecutter and his wife. Szentes had a synagogue that was torn down for the town library some years ago. Some of the birth, death, and marriage books have been preserved and are kept at a large building that was once the preburial chamber for the cemetery. The cemetery has some modest gravestones and some rather elaborate sites. Most of the cemetery was overgrown with ivy. Source: Andrew Hegedus This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [September 2005]

The synagogue was renovated. "Szentes" - Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Hungary


The cemetery is in good condition. Cemetery caretaker is Ferencné Buk. [March 2009]