
Mayor's office is caretaker. [March 2009]


US Commission No. 000054

Szakcs is located in Tolna at 46°33' 18°07', 25km from Tamasi. Cemetery: on border of village, along Lapafo-Kocsola Highway. Present population is 1,000-5,000 with no Jews.

The pre-WWII Jewish population (census) was 37. The Jewish cemetery was established in 19th century with last known Hasidic Orthodox Jewish burial 1943. No other villages used this cemetery. The isolated rural forest on flat land has no sign, but has Jewish symbols on gate or wall. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via a broken fence with no gate or lock. Pre- and post-WWII size of cemetery is 0.08 hectares. Vegetation overgrowth is a seasonal problem. The cemetery is not divided into special sections.

20-100 gravestones in cemetery, 1-20 not in original location with less than 25% toppled or broken, date from 1897-20th century. The marble, granite, limestone and sandstone flat shaped stones, finely smoothed and inscribed stones or flat stones with carved relief decoration have Hebrew inscriptions. Some tombstones have traces of painting on their surfaces. The cemetery contains no known mass graves or structures. The owner of the still-active cemetery is the national Jewish community. Adjacent properties are agricultural and residential. The cemetery boundaries remain the same as 1939. Restoration in 1991 by local or municipal authorities includes re-erection of stones, cleared vegetation and fence repair. Budapesti Orthodox Hitkozseg pays the regular caretaker. Security (uncontrolled access) is the ony serious threat.

Peter Tamas completed the survey on 2/9/91. He visited site on 01/09/1991.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE