
The old cemetery forms part of the central cemetery. [March 2009]


US Commission No. 000062

Mencshely is located in Veszprem, 26km from Veszprem, on the road to Nagyvazsony. Present population under 1,000 with no Jews.

Only the people of this town used the "Congressional" cemetery, a portion of a municipal cemetery, on flat suburban land with no signs or markers. Off a public road and freely accessible, a fence with unlocked gate surrounds. The cemetery occupies 0.06 hectares and has fewer than 20 gravestones, all in original location and condition. Gravestones date from the 19th and 20th centuries, with no evident sectional divisions. The limestone and sandstone flat shaped stones, finely smoothed and inscribed tombstones, or common gravestones have Hebrew and Hungarian inscriptions. No known mass graves exist. Although municipally owned, it is used only for Jewish burials. Adjacent property is another cemetery. Boundares are unchanged since 1939. Some restoration and maintenance by municipal authorities continues. Weather erosion is only threat.

Peter Wirth, based on a 10/22/91 visit, completed survey on 10/24/91.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE