International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Located near public cemetery and neglected. [March 2009]


US Commission No. 000006 Kunszentmiklos is located in Bacs-Kiskun, (47º02' 19º08), 56km from Budapest. Cemetery: S of historic center behind the new cemetery in Kolcsey utca. Present town population is 5,000- 25,000 with no Jews.

  • Mayor is Dr. Borak Akos. Town clerk is Gergely Sandor.
  • Local: Polgarmesten Hivatal of 6090 Kunszentniklos Kalvin ter 12. Ph: 76 51 155.
  • Regional: Budapesti Orthodox Hitkozseg, of Dob u.35, H-1075 Budapest Phone: (011-361) 132-4333. There is no caretaker.

The pre-WWII Jewish population (census) was 155. The cemetery was established in 1853. The last known Hasidic Orthodox Jewish burial before WWII. The flat rural agricultural location, separate but near other cemeteries, has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a private road, access is open to allvia no wall, fence, or gate. Pre- and post-WWII size of cemetery is 0.41 hectares.

100-500 gravestones, 25%-50% toppled or broken, date from 19th-20th centuries. Vegetation overgrowth is a constant problem; and water drainage is a seasonal problem. Special sections exist for Cohanim, children, and the wealthy. The marble, granite, limestone and sandstone flat shaped, finely smoothed and inscribed, or flat stones with carved relief decoration have Hebrew and Hungarian inscriptions. Some tombstones have metal fences around the graves. There is a pre-burial house foundation. The cemetery contains special memorial monuments to Holocaust victims but no mass graves. The present owner of the still-active cemetery is the national Jewish community. Boundaries are unchanged since 1939. Adjacent properties are agricultural. There was some restoration done to the cemetery, such as cleared vegetation with no current care. Security (uncontrolled access), weather erosion, and vegetation are very serious threats.

Peter Wirth completed survey on 11/18/91 using M.Zs.L. He visited site on 11/11/91.