

US Commission No. 000068 Keszthely is located in Zala, 36km from Zalaegerszeg at 46º46' 74º15'. Present town population is 5,000-25,000 with fewer than 100 Jews. Cemetery: Goldmark utca 33.

Pre-WWII Jewish population ws 872. Noteworthy Jewish residents included Goldmark Karoly and Dr. Buchler Sandor. This cemetery was founded in 1850 with last known Neolog Jewish burial in 1993. Alsopahoh, Felsophahok (15km away) and Gyenesdias, Rezi, Zalavar (15km away) used this site. The isolated flat suburban has no sign. Surrounded by a continuous wall, access is turning directly off a public road.

The 0.92-hectare cemetery has 500-5000 stones, all in original condition, dating from 1750-20th century. Vegetation overgrowth is a constant problem disturbing stones. The cemetery has a special section for children. The marble, granite, limestone and sandstone finely smoothed and inscribed stones or flat stones with carved relief decoration,have Hebrew and Hungarian inscriptions. Some have metal fences around some graves. There are no known mass graves. The local Jewish community owns the Jewish cemetery in an agricultural and residential area. Boundaries are unchanged since 1939. Vandalized occasionally in the last ten years, but not since its restoration by Jewish individuals within Hungary: re-erection of stones and vegetation cleared. Occasional clearing continues. Caretaker is paid by Mazsihisz Sip U.12, H-1075, Budapest. Within the limits of the cemetery are a pre-burial house with wall inscriptions and caretaker quarters. There are slight problems with security (uncontrolled access), weather erosion, pollution, vegetation, and vandalism.

Peter Wirth visited site was and completed survey on 2/6/92, using the M.ZS.L. (Hungarian Jewish Encyclopedia). He interviewed Furst Laszlone.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE