International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


The 1747 census lists a Jewish family of four who later were joined by others from Subcarpathia and Galicia. The majority were grain and potato traders with a few craftsmen and farmers. They were on good terms with their Christian neighbours.The congregation, subordinate to the Kisvarda rabbinate in 1895, shared the Kisvarda cemetery. Zionism was not popular. Two Jewish soldiers from Gyulahaza died in the World War I. The first sign of anti-Semitism was the 1940 the breaking of Jewish windows while the "Hangya" ("ant") Cooperative was established to put Jewish merchants out of business. In 1941, 15 Jews were pushed into forced labor. The remainder were taken to the ghetto in Kisvarda after Passover 1944. The first group transported to Auschwitz on the second day of Shavuot  immediately were gassed. After WWII, five women and ten men (in forced labor near Munkacs) returned to find the synagogue in ruins. They left. [February 2009]


Gyulaháza Jewish cemetery keys are held by György Csüllög, Kisvárdai utca 22. [March 2009]