
In 1930s, Dunaszekcső had ninety Jewish habitants, tradesmen and the owner of the brick plant. Few returned after WWII. In 1998, few young activists cleaned up the cemetery found in forest near the town. [March 2009]


US Commission No. 000008

Dunaszekcso is located in Baranya, (46º05, 18º46), 15km N of Mohacs. Cemetery: W of the town center, in the fields. Town population is 1,000-5,000 with no Jews.

The pre-WWII Jewish population (census) was 56. The Jewish cemetery was established in 1800 with last known Neolog burial in 1945. Between fields and woods, the isolated hillside has no sign or marker. Reached by crossing private property and crossing fields, access is open to all via no wall or gate. The approximate size before WWII was 0.10 hectares and now is 0.09 hectares.

20-100 gravestones, 1-20 not in original location and 25-50% toppled or broken, have special section for children. The 19th-20th centuries marble, limestone and sandstone flat shaped stones, finely smoothed and inscribed stones, flat stones with carved relief decoration or multi-stone monuments have Hebrew and Hungarian inscriptions. Some have traces of painting on their surfaces. No mass graves. The pre-burial house has a tahara (table) and hearse. The national Jewish community owns the cemetery. Adjacent properties are agricultural. The cemetery was vandalized occasionally in the last ten years. There has been no maintenance. Security, erosion, and vegetation are serious threats; vandalism is moderate threat.

Peter Tamas completed survey on 10/30/91. He visited site on 10/29/91.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE